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How to Quit Smoking - Health Costs & Benefits

January 23, 2019


Have you ever considered what you might do if you had an extra $15,000 available to spend?

Perhaps you would take that dream-vacation, buy the boat you always wanted, or start saving for college or retirement. It's rather shocking, but $15,000 is about what you would spend over 5 years if you are smoking a pack a day.

Smoking has an impact on both your finances and your overall health. A few of the “not so pleasant” oral effects of smoking are:

  • Yellow teeth
  • Build up of plaque
  • Increased risk of oral cancer — which is one of the toughest forms of cancer to treat


It's not all gloom and doom though. Your overall health begins to improve almost immediately upon quitting.

Here's what happens when you quit smoking:

  • Within 20 minutes your heart rate drops
  • Within 12 hrs carbon monoxide levels in blood drops to normal
  • Within 2 weeks to 3 months – overall circulation improves and lung function increases up to 30%
  • Within a year, your risk of having coronary artery disease is half that of someone who smokes!


And if that's not enough incentive, consider the fact that children learn by example. So, if you smoke, your kids are highly like to smoke, too. Meanwhile, they are growing up in a home with second hand smoke.

The reality is, it can take up to 6 attempts for many people to successfully break the habit, so don't feel discouraged if you don't succeed on your first attempt. Remember, you do learn something each time you try.

Your doctor can also help find the best method for quitting that will work for you, but what's most important is to get started and stay focused on the  benefits you will reap from quitting.


Five Quick Tips for Quitting

  • Break the link between smoking and your daily activities such as drinking coffee, watching TV or driving in your car.
  • Wait 10 minutes for the craving to pass before lighting up a cigarette.
  • Spend time in places where smoking is prohibited.
  • Try short quick bursts of exercise to maintain your blood sugar level, which will help fend off the urge to smoke.
  • Avoid sugary or spicy foods – they can trigger your desire for a cigarette.


When You Get The Urge To Smoke:

  • Keep sugar-free substitutes handy like carrots, celery, pickles, sugarless gum,  or even a tooth pick.
  • Light a candle and enjoy the pleasant smell vs. the smell of cigarette smoke.
  • Do something incompatible with smoking – take a shower, brush your teeth, or get together with a non-smoker.
  • Reward yourself with something FUN for your efforts.
  • Tell yourself NO – loudly – remind yourself that your will to quit is stronger than your urge to light up!


Nicotine is a powerful addiction, but your desire for a long, healthy life is a powerful incentive to quit.

Believe in yourself and your ability to quit—YOU CAN DO IT!

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