Electronic Claims Submission
Electronic Claims Partners
Electronic claims submission is the fastest, most efficient way to submit claims and ensure accurate, timely payment. While not an exhaustive list of potential vendors you can use, the below vendors are notable for their ease of use and integration with our systems.
DentalXChange – Claim Connect
The premier solution for online dental claims delivery and real-time services. Our user-friendly platform processes dental insurance claims, sends attachments and retrieves eligibility and benefit info, quickly and easily.
Tesia Clearinghouse
Enables dentists to submit scanned images, digital attachments, X-rays, and other diagnostic material to Delta Dental. We can receive your electronic claims and send them directly to Delta Dental. Call 800-724-7240 and mention Delta Dental of New Jersey.
FastAttach™ with NEA
Allows dentists to electronically transmit dental x-rays, perio charts, EOBs, and narratives to payors for claims payment.
FastAttach Advantage
- Enables easy uploading of x-rays, perio charts, EOBs, narratives, images, pre-treatment estimates, secondary insurance and more
- Meets key healthcare regulations and requirements for protecting and securing sensitive, private healthcare information
- Supports multiple image capture methods including a patented mobile device app