
Change Healthcare announced a breach of HIPAA privacy and is reaching out to individuals whose personal information may have been compromised. Although this incident does not involve Delta Dental of New Jersey or Connecticut, Change Healthcare is a vendor we used and we are providing this information to help our members who might be affected.

Important Notices for Dentists

Important Claim Submission Updates

New mailing address for claims and other correspondence. These should now be sent to:

Delta Dental of New Jersey
P.O. Box 16354
Little Rock, AR 72231

New mailing address for appeals requests. These should now be sent to:

Delta Dental of New Jersey
P.O. Box 15132
Little Rock, AR 72231

Only our mailing address changed. Our phone numbers and office locations remain the same.

Emailed claims no longer accepted. Paper claims can be mailed to our new post office box in Little Rock. Better yet, switch to electronic claims. Learn more or call your dental network coordinator at 1.888.396.6641.

It's here! Online Credentialing with DentalXChange
We’ve partnered with DentalXChange to simplify credentialing for you. DentalXChange will email dentists and dental offices as you become due for recredentialing. Online recredentialing saves everyone time, improves accuracy, and is more convenient.

Learn more

Searching For New Patients? Go PPO!
Delta Dental of New Jersey is pleased to announce participating oral surgeons, periodontists, endodontists, orthodontists, and prosthodontists in New Jersey are invited to join the Delta Dental PPO℠ network. With 54.4 million Delta Dental PPO members nationally, we believe that joining the Delta Dental PPO network is a way to bring new patients into your practice.

Please contact your Dental Network Coordinator at (888) 396-6641 or via email to join today.


‘100% Par’ Is Now Our Standard – Is Your Practice Compliant?
We now require all dentists who render any treatment in "participating practices" to sign a Participating Dentist Agreement with us.

Sign in to verify that your practice is in compliance.

Non-participating dentists must contact their Dental Network coordinator at (888) 396-6641, or email us to apply to become a participating dentist.


Mandatory Prior-Authorization Charts for EHB Members 

View now 


Sending a Claim Electronically that Requires X-rays
Sending a claim electronically that requires X-rays and also sending the paper claim with the diagnostics is not necessary. We process the electronic claim faster and send an info-request for the diagnostics that are required. When both an electronic and a paper claim is sent, often, the paper claim is denied as a "duplicate," and many times the X-rays are not reviewed.

Participating Dentist Handbook 
The Delta Dental Participating Dentist Handbook is available by signing into the secure website