Change Healthcare announced a breach of HIPAA privacy and is reaching out to individuals whose personal information may have been compromised. Although this incident does not involve Delta Dental of New Jersey or Connecticut, Change Healthcare is a vendor we used and we are providing this information to help our members who might be affected.
The following are commonly asked dental benefit questions by employers
Benefits and Coverage
What changes can I make at open enrollment?
Your company benefits administrator can give you more details and advise you when your company's open enrollment will occur.
I am divorced. If my former spouse and I both have dental coverage, whose insurance covers our children first?
The parent named responsible for maintaining insurance would be primary and the other parent would be secondary. If the divorce decree or custodial agreement is silent regarding responsibility, the order of benefit determination is: (1) the plan of the custodial parent; (2) the plan of the spouse of the custodial parent; (3) the plan of the noncustodial parent; (4) the plan of the spouse of the noncustodial parent. If the parents have joint custody, then the parent with the birthday (month/day) earliest in the calendar year usually has primary coverage.
What is an alternate benefit and how does it work?
In cases where alternative methods of treatment exist, benefits are provided for the least costly professionally accepted treatment. This determination is not intended to reflect negatively on the dentist's treatment plan or to recommend which treatment should be provided. It is a determination of benefits under terms of the patient's coverage. The dentist and patient should decide the course of treatment. If the treatment rendered is other than the one benefitted, the difference between Delta Dental's allowance and the approved amount for the actual treatment rendered is collectable from the patient.
Can I assign benefits to my dentist?
Dentists who are participating with Delta Dental will automatically have payment assigned to them. If a dentist is not participating with Delta Dental, payment will be sent to the member. Delta Dental will assign benefits to non-participating dentists in New Jersey and in Connecticut under the following circumstances: the plan provides out-of-network benefits, the dental plan is insured, rather than a self-funded plan; and, the patient has properly authorized the assignment of the claim payment. In addition to making sure that the proper authorization appears on the claim form, we may also ask the dentist to submit a W-9 form (required for tax reporting purposes). More information can be obtained by contacting Customer Service or calling 800-452-9310.
What happens when I'm covered by two dental plans (coordination of benefits)?
Having two dental programs (called "dual coverage") does not "double" your coverage. However, it may mean that you will have lower out-of-pocket costs. Usually, one program will be considered primary (usually the one through your job) and the other will be secondary (the one through your spouse's employer). The total payments of both the primary and secondary carrier cannot exceed the total approved amount or the total of what Delta Dental would have paid as primary. As an example, if your dental program covers 80% for fillings, and so does your spouse's, your program would cover the first 80% and your spouse's program would cover the remaining 20%. Some dental benefit plans have "non-duplication of benefits" provisions. This means that the secondary plan will not pay any benefits if the primary plan paid the same or more than what the secondary plan allows for that dentist. For example, if both the primary and secondary carrier pay for the service at 80 percent level, but the primary allows $100 and the secondary carrier normally allows $80 for the same treatment, the secondary carrier would not make any additional payment. However, if the primary carrier only pays 50 percent of the dentist’s allowed fee, then the secondary carrier would reduce its payment by the amount paid by the primary plan and pay the difference. In this case, the secondary carrier would pay $14 ($80 x 80 percent - $50 = $14).
Electronic bill delivery
Let Delta Dental of New Jersey and Connecticut make your job a little easier. These FAQs will help you better understand our online billing system and payment process through Billtrust.
Benefits of Electronic Bill Delivery
Online billing provides you with a number of convenient capabilities: