D&I resources
The Diversity Council has compiled a number of resources for your reference including glossaries, tests, tools, a workshop, articles and videos. Our goal is to provide tools to promote continued learning and working together towards long-term change at work and in our daily lives. We welcome your submissions of any additional materials that you would like to see posted on the Diversity Council webpage.
- Racial Equity Tools – offering tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.
- Questions to ask yourself about hiring basis and tips to reduce bias in your hiring process.
- Quiz: What do you know about unconscious bias?
- Hive learning - Your A-Z D&I Glossary
- The Diversity & Inclusion Glossary – Diversity terms are all over the place. Do you know the meaning of BIPOC, Folx or Culture Add? Learn their definitions.
- Racial equity tools glossary
- From the Inside Out: Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging: Ted Talk from Wendy Knight Agard
- What baby boomers can learn from millennials at work -- and vice versa: Ted Talk from Chip Conley
- A blueprint for diversity in the workplace: Ted Talk
- Diversity & Inclusion Videos
- 10 TEDTalks about special needs
- Take an Implicit Association Test (IAT) from possible topics to identify unconscious bias.
- Quiz: What Do You Know About Unconscious Bias?
- Questions to ask yourself about hiring basis and tips to reduce bias in your hiring process.
- Diversity Toolkit: A Guide to Discussing Identity, Power and Privilege
- How to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace
- Diversity and inclusion: 8 best practices for changing your culture
- Equity and Inclusion: The Roots of Organizational Well-Being
- DEI Gets Real
- How to Elevate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work in Your Organization
- What's To Come In 2021 For Diversity, Equity And Inclusion In The Workplace