Requirements of Grantees
- Grantees must include a copy of their current valid Internal Revenue Service tax exemption determination letter (must be a 501(c)3 non-profit or a government entity) or most current 990 form.
- Grantees must complete the Grant Application(s) provided by our Foundation and answer all questions.
- Grantees must sign and return our Foundation's Grant Agreement before funds are disbursed.
- Grantees are required to complete all answers to an Outcomes Report that will be supplied to them. The Outcomes Report is due at the six-month mark of the grant period and 45 days after the end of the grant period, unless otherwise indicated.
- Grantees must allow Foundation board members to make a site visit at their facility at a mutually convenient time. For the foreseeable future, we will plan these "visits" as virtual Zoom check-in meetings.
- Grantees must file an application annually, even when they are continuing programs from year-to-year.
The Delta Dental of New Jersey Foundation will not fund
- Individuals
- Entities that do not have a 501(c) tax exemption
- Projects, programs, and/or services non-dental related
- Projects, programs, and/or services located outside of New Jersey or Connecticut