2024 SMILE Workforce Initiative Grantees

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For the first time, our Foundation awarded SMILE Dental Workforce Initiative Grants. These grants focus on addressing the workforce shortage dental professionals across New Jersey and Connecticut are currently facing.
Our Foundation’s SMILE Workforce Grants support programs that promote dental careers to middle and high school students and expand or establish dental assisting programs at high schools, colleges, and universities and/or on-the-job training programs in public health settings.
Below is a list of the 22 organizations our Foundation is supporting that are working to replenish the dental assisting workforce, which will, in turn, lead to greater access to dental care for all across NJ and CT.  



Our 2024-2025 Workforce Grant Recipients are:


AI Education, LLC, Dental Assisting Support Program, NJ and CT


Atlantic County Institute, ACIT Dental Assisting Pathways, Atlantic County, NJ 



Bloomfield Health Careers Foundation, Rutgers Dental School Internship/Job-Shadowing Program Newark Tech and Central HS, Essex, NJ

Brookdale Community College Foundation, Dental Assistant and Dental Radiology Program, Monmouth, Ocean, and Middlesex Counties, NJ 

CAMCare, Dental Workforce Training Program, Camden County, NJ  

Cape May Technical School, Technology Updates, Cape May, Atlantic, Cumberland, and Camden Counties, NJ  

Central High School, Dental Academy, Newark, NJ

Community Health Center Association of Connecticut, CT Dental Assistant Workforce Initiative, CT  

Connecticut State Dental Association, Smile Success Center, CT 

County College of Morris, Dental Workforce Initiative, Morris County, NJ 

Dental Studies Institute, Introduction to Dental Assisting, NJ

HISPA, Inc., Mobilizing Hispanic Dental Role Models to Build Hispanic Pipeline in Oral Health Careers, Passaic and Elizabeth, NJ

KinderSmile Foundation, Workforce Development of Public Health Dentistry Through Career Promotion and Mentorship, Essex and Mercer Counties, NJ 

Manchester Community College Foundation, Dental Assistant Student Scholarships and Equipment for CT State Manchester, Hartford, Tolland, Windham Counties, CT

Monmouth County Vocational School District, Dental Assistant Workforce Completion Project, Monmouth County, NJ

New England Teaching Institute, Dental Assistant Training, CT


Ocean County College, Ocean Community College Dental Workforce Expansion Initiative, Ocean County, NJ

Office of Dental Services, Smile Bright Dental Assisting Program, Paterson, NJ 


Quality Dental School, Quality Dental School of Technology, East Orange, NJ

University of Bridgeport, UB Expanded Function Dental Assistant Program, New Haven and Fairfield Counties, CT

Wonder Girls, Career Expo and Wellness Month, Bergen, Burlington, Essex, NJ and Hartford, CT

Zufall Health Center, Dental Assistant Trainee Workforce Initiative Expansion, Essex, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, and Warren Counties, NJ